Online Exam Software | Aptitude Test Maker Software
There is a lot of change in exam management system compared to last 5 to 7 years, what I am saying is now the paper and pen mode of exams are outdated. Many schools and colleges are now following Computer Based Test Software to create and conduct exams.
SimExams is a commendable software that is designed to create and conduct exams. This is a complete solution for the exam management system beyond paper and pen format. Students can manage different types of exams and different types of questions with ease. He/She can get a detailed scorecard after completion of the exam and also can cross check the wrongly answered questions.
Best Online Exam Software or Computer Based Test Software
This software is particularly designed for schools, colleges, and other educational institutions. this is the biggest revolution in the exam management system to create and conduct exam with ease. This software is rich in features and synchronized with user — friendly SimExams helps you in edit or delete the previously taken exam, questions, candidate details, group details like in simple steps. SimExams is Wonderful Software that makes you keep data securely.
Developers have designed this software with a great deal. Simexams clings to good future of students. Simexams is designed with two modules 1. Author Engine 2. Exam Engine
Author Engine is used to create the question papers, it supports different types of questions like multiple choice, drag and drop, hotspot and many others. created question paper is saved in his/her own computer.
Exam Engine is a software that is used to conduct the exam. The question created in Author software is imported here and take the exam. this software has many features
Features of this Software
Easy Download and Install
Create and conduct the exams with ease
Supports different types of questions
Get free library to practice for exams
Add and Remove any number of candidates and assign them to different groups.
Import the exams from local storage or by giving a URL
Configure exam parameters like the number of questions per exam, exam time, pass percentage, allowed exam modes and permitted buttons.
Save, View and review individual exams with selected answers, correct answers, and detailed explanation.
Instant scorecard after ending the exam. and many others
One can also download and install the CBT Android version and CBT iOS Version of the online exam software. this helps you to take the exam anywhere on your fingertips
Check Out The Software Here